LO2 - M2: Legal and Ethical (M2)

Legal and ethical:

To legally advertise a print ad in the UK, I need to consider the advertising laws made by IPSO. This is the main regulatory board that regulates the laws of print ads. Along side IPSO, there other legal issues that I need to consider when advertising. If these laws and ethical issues are ignored, I could be sued, fined, sent to prison, or cause controversy and have the magazine taken down.

To view more information on the laws that I, and other magazine companies should follow, click this link to view IPSO's Editor's Code of Practice:



One of the legal and ethical issues I need to consider when making and promoting my magazine is the Copyright Act: any creative content I choose to use in my art such as characters, art, etc. need to be free to use. However, access to creative content that is not free can be gained with permission from the owner, or a payment can be made to use it.

I decided to use official art created by the people that made the original source and my own art created digitally (Using my own art means that i do not have to pay or ask for permission to use other art). I had made my own personal edits to the official art, such as colour corrections, adjustments and other visual effects.

An ethical issue I need to address is misleading information / misinformation. The content in my magazine cannot be misleading to the audience and promote the content included for something that it is not: Furthermore addressing misinformation, my magazine legally and ethically cannot bring up political or controversial topics and cannot target any specific group or individual negatively. My magazine is based on a well-known game, and many fans are the game come from different backgrounds, ages, genders, sexual orientation and religions, so therefore, it gives my magazine more of a reason to be more representative than others.

Regulations and regulatory boards

The only regulatory board I need to consider is IPSO. IPSO (Independent Press Standards Authority) regulates and sets laws that newspapers and magazines have to follow to avoid legal actions and risks. IPSO have the power to enforce legal consequences on magazine, newspaper and print companies if they don't abide the laws. Here is one of the laws that I would have to follow, there are more, but this is only one example: My magazine cannot contain misleading or inaccurate content and must not include misinformation. I will make sure I follow every rule by reading all of them and applying my general knowledge of the laws to my magazine.

Possible offense

When considering the content going inside my magazines, I need to ensure that none of it causes offense to the audience - I cannot make the content misleading towards and misrepresent any cultures, backgrounds, groups and individuals as it may cause my magazine to be too inappropriate to be advertised publicly on social platforms and TV.

When it comes to the representation in my ads, I need to carefully consider the content based on the culture to not misrepresent or culturally appropriate. My magazine won't necessarily be known for having representation in it, however, anything that includes association to a minority group, I must ensure that it does not across as misleading, stereotypical or offensive.

Intellectual property

My masthead, logos, and self made content cannot share similarities or any similar characteristics in general to any other brand. The branding must be unique and not look like an off-brand version of an official brand.


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